Registering for Individual Sessions 

To register for an individual session, hover or click on the session you wish to register for and click the red REGISTER button.

If you wish to register for one event only, click COMPLETE REGISTRATION NOW

If you want to register for more than one event, click  ADD TO CART AND COMPLETE REGISTRATION LATER and you may continue to add products to your cart.

Once you've added all of the sessions you wish to register for to your cart, go to your cart.

You must have an account with Americans for the Arts to register. If you have an account, click the LOG IN button, enter your username and password, and continue to check out.

If you do not have an account, click the CREATE AN ACCOUNT button. You will then be directed to the Americans for the Arts website to create your account.
Once you have created your account, you must return to your cart on ArtsU to complete your registration for the Summit.

Each individual session is $25.

To register for the full summit for $150, please click here.

Please Note: All sessions from the 2021 National Arts Action Summit were recorded.
We are currently in the process of editing content. Once uploaded, we will send out correspondence announcing that the content is ready for viewing.

By registering for the National Arts Action Summit you agree to our event Policies and Procedures and Code of Conduct.

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