Annual Convention and Public Art & Civic Design Conference Resources

Welcome from Bob Lynch, President and CEO, Americans for the Arts

Welcome from Mary Anne Carter, Chairman, National Endowment for the Arts

Welcome from Mardell Moffett, Executive Director, Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Welcome from Michael Chavez, chair, Public Art Network Council

View the Program

Annual Leadership Awardees

Alene Valkanas State Arts Advocacy Award

Arts Education Award

Arts Education Award

2020 Awardee - Helen Eaton

​Selina Roberts Ottum Award

Selina Roberts Ottum Award 

2020 Awardee - Janet Langsam

Michael Newton Award

Michael Newton Award

2020 Awardee - Christen Boone

​American Express Emerging Leader Award​

American Express Emerging Leader Award

2020 Awardee - Gina Rodriguez-Drix

American Express Congratulates 2020 American Express Emerging Leader Awardee Gina Rodriguez-Drix

Tim McClimon, President of the American Express Foundation, Senior Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility for American Express, and member of Americans for the Arts’ board of directors, congratulates the recipient of the 2020 American Express Emerging Leader Award, Gina Rodrίguez-Drix.

Public Art Network Award

Virtual Tours

Glenstone: Public Art, Sustainability and Green Infrastructure

Guided by the personal vision of its founders, Glenstone Museum is a place that seamlessly integrates art, architecture, and landscape into a serene and contemplative environment in a series of refined indoor and outdoor spaces designed to facilitate meaningful encounters. Led by Paul Tukey, Chief Sustainability Officer, Glenstone Museum, this video will focus on Glenstone Museum’s Environmental Center, where the landscape has been designed to complement and frame the architecture and artworks, and the architecture has been designed in response to the natural landscape. The Environmental Center facilitates the sustainable practices of Glenstone’s grounds maintenance operations.  

DC Alley Museum

Filmakers: Nyrene Monforte and Amanda Rutledge 

DC Alley Museum is an outdoor collection of public art murals by artists Lisa Marie Thalhammer, Bill Warrell, Rozeal, Aniekan Udofia, Cita Sadeli Chelove, Stephen E Lewis, Craig Nelsen, Rose Jaffe, Billy Colbert and Kelly Towles. Guided by Bill Warrell, the walking tour will present these murals, which commemorate the history of artists in Shaw's Blagden Alley. What was once a haven for D.C.’s underground arts communities—home to artist studios and galleries—according to Washington City Paper has transformed into one of the city’s “bougiest” neighborhoods, replete with high-end restaurants, suave bars, a yoga studio, a juice bar, and a chic coffee shop enveloped by expensive condo buildings. Walking tour. Grab a cuppa and spend time with the artists and art of Shaw's Blagden Alley. Participants will learn: 

  • How artists commemorate the history of artists in D.C.’s Blagden Alley
  • How the projects are funded
  • How artists collectives collaborate
  • The ramifications of gentrification

Arlington Arts Showcase

Arlington Cultural Affairs, a division of Arlington Economic Development, delivers public activities and programs as Arlington Arts. Our mission is to create, support, and promote the arts, connecting artists and community to reflect the diversity of Arlington. We do this by: providing material support to artists and arts organizations in the form of grants, facilities and theater technology; integrating award-winning public art into our built environment; and resenting high quality performing, literary, visual and new media programs across the County.

Keynote Visualizations

Nancy Hanks Lecture Visualization


Artist: Danielle Iwata

Wednesday Keynote Visualization


Artist: Danielle Iwata

Thursday Morning Keynote Visualization


Artist: Danielle Iwata

Thursday Afternoon Keynote Visualization


Artist: Danielle Iwata
