Arts and Culture Sector and the Coronavirus: What we Know and How to Move Forward

Recorded On: 03/19/2020


About this Webinar

As the Coronavirus (COVD-19) continues to develop, it's important that Local Arts Agencies and arts and culture organizations consider their preparedness, prevention, and response. Join members of Americans for the Arts’ staff, Ruby Lopez Harper, John Rubsamen, and Narric Rome, with Jan Newcomb, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness and Emergency Response, Barbara Davis, Chief Operating Officer of The Actors Fund, Rhonda Schaller, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Visiting Associate Professor at Pratt Institute, and Michael Orlove, Director of State, Regional & Local Partnerships, and International Activities, and Lara Holman Garratano, Local Arts Agencies Specialist, from the National Endowment for the Arts to hear current information about actions to take, including: planning to consider, handling grant funded projects, managing stress during moments of crisis, and continuing to support artists. This briefing will also include an update on the status of congressional action on economic impact and stimulus funding and how it relates to the arts and cultural sector.

Take the Coronavirus Impact Survey

We're gathering data and impact stories through this survey link. The survey will capture a broad spectrum of data and stories that will demonstrate how the arts and culture workers triumphed and survived this crisis as well as the effect of the outbreak on operations through cancelled events, lost wages, and additional expenses. We encourage you to share this survey with your communities.

This event will be recorded.


Americans for the Arts is providing the arts and culture field with this and other COVID-19 webinars and resources at no charge to you. Please consider supporting our ability to deliver this important work with a donation by clicking HERE 

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Arts and Culture Sector and the Coronavirus: What we Know and How to Move Forward Recorded
Recording with Closed Captions: Arts and Culture and Coronavirus Webinar