Each year, executive leadership and senior staff of the country’s united arts funds gather in a different location to discuss best practices, trends, challenges, and opportunities that this field faces. United Arts Funds (UAF) are organizations or local arts agencies whose main function is to raise money from local individuals, businesses, and foundations to regrant to local arts institutions and provide support to the cultural community. UAFs seek to raise money to provide ongoing support to arts groups by consolidating cultural fundraising efforts in one organization and use their knowledge of the cultural community to disperse the funds accordingly. More and more, the UAFs operate as full-serve local arts agencies. This call is welcome to anyone interested in hearing about the primary topics that came up at the Leadership Retreat, and for those who wish to learn more about this field.
Learning Objectives:
Major themes and topics that arose during the annual Leadership Retreat that took place in Memphis, TN November 6-8
Primary areas of work and concern of organizations that fundraise and regrant in their communities.
How seasoned and new LAA leaders use the UAF Retreat to make valuable connections, share information, and push their communities forward.
Flora Maria Garcia
President & CEO, United Arts of Central Florida
Flora Maria Garcia became president and CEO of United Arts of Central Florida—a 501-C-3, $5.8 million, local arts agency for the four-county region and the City of Orlando. Since its inception in 1989, United Arts has invested more than $136 million in local cultural organizations and individual artists. Previously, Garcia was CEO of the Metro Atlanta Arts & Culture Coalition. During her tenure, statewide legislation that would significantly fund arts and culture was introduced and as result, received the Georgia Shakespeare, Spirit of Will Award for Advocacy. On the national level, Garcia has served on the boards of the National Assembly for Local Arts Agencies and Mid-America Arts Alliance, numerous committees for the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and on several panels for the National Endowment for the Arts. She served for two years as Vice President of Americans for the Arts’ Urban Arts Federation, an association of the 60 largest arts councils in the country. In addition to more than 30 years of experience in nonprofit arts management, Garcia has a Master’s in Business Administration and Arts Administration from Southern Methodist University and a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and Modern Languages from Saint Mary’s College. Garcia was born in Havana, Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. in the early ‘60s
Jaye Sterchi Baillie, APR is a creative, enthusiastic, seasoned professional with more than 38 years of progressive governmental and non-profit management experience. Her extensive portfolio includes skills in results-oriented program development, board development, human relations, public relations, marketing, fundraising, and strategic planning. Jaye serves as the Executive Director of Marion Cultural Alliance where she works alongside the board, volunteers, and arts enthusiasts to champion, convene, and create opportunities for artists and nonprofit arts organizations.
The focus for 2020 is the development the Implementation Plan for the City of Ocala’s recently adopted Ten Year Arts and Cultural Master Plan. Research is currently underway, along with the Ocala/Marion County Chamber and Economic Partnership to determine sources of revenue to fund the elements of the plan and accompanying personnel.
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Jessica Stern
Senior Manager, Local Arts and Business Partnerships
Americans for the Arts
Jessica is the Private Sector Initiatives Program Manager with Americans for the Arts. Prior to this position, she acted as the Membership and Resources Manager for the Nonprofit Association of Oregon (NAO), providing oversight of NAO’s statewide membership program while curating and reinventing its online platform of nonprofit management best practice resources. Prior to NAO, Jessica spent nearly five years working with Portland’s local business committee for the arts, Business for Culture & the Arts (BCA), delivering programs that engaged employees from BCA’s 200+ business members, managing all marketing and communications strategies, and retaining and cultivating corporate and community partnerships. Jessica has also served in development roles at Metropolitan Youth Symphony and Literary Arts; and has freelanced as an independent web designer and developer.