December 2020 Arts Education Network Town Hall
Recorded On: 12/21/2020
About this Town Hall
December 21, 3:00 PM ET - 4:30 PM ET
The global pandemic upended arts education in 2020. Arts education leaders are working to adapt, innovate, and advocate for arts education in schools and communities as schools and organizations grapple with how to safely support students and educators while losing funding. As leaders seek to find answers for increasingly complicated questions on how to move forward, the Arts Education Town Hall provides a space for arts education leaders to learn from one another about issues related to school reopening, funding challenges, and building equitable systems that support all students and community members.
Arts Education Network Members will identify national trends in arts education as it relates to current events, and find connections with other network members.
This town hall will included presentations and small group discussions. We highly encourage attending live to connect with peers in the field.
This town hall is open to members of Americans for the Arts. Interested in becoming a member? Click here to learn more about membership.

Kelly Fey Bolender
Arts Education Program Manager
Americans for the Arts
Kelly Fey Bolender currently serves as Arts Education Program Manager for Americans for the Arts. Formerly, she held the position of Associate Director of Education at the Boch Center in Boston, MA. While serving as Associate Director, she led the Boch Center’s flagship arts-based youth leadership and employment programs, including the nationally-recognized City Spotlights Summer Leadership Program and Teen Leadership Council. Additionally at the Boch Center, she developed and facilitated arts-based literacy curriculum for the Target Arts In-School Residency Program and the Dudley Library Arts Festival. She also worked extensively in college and career readiness training for high school students, developing innovative programming for the Boch Center and the Universities at Shady Grove.
Kelly centers her work on inclusivity and expanding access in the arts. Her original research exploring best practices for inclusivity and representation of marginalized populations in theatre for young audiences (TYA) in the United States is featured in the award-winning anthology of Latinx TYA, Palabras del Cielo: An Exploration of Latin@ Theatre for Young Audiences.
She served on the Board of Directors for the American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE) and the New England Theatre Conference. She earned a Master’s in Theatre Education with a concentration in Theatre and Community from Emerson College, a Bachelor's degree in Media and Communication Studies from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a certification in the Advancing Youth Development curriculum for youth workers.
Twitter: @ArtsEdKelly