Demystifying the Public Art Deaccession Process
About this Webinar
Removing a public artwork from a collection requires a process and a well-developed policy to support that process. In this webinar, hear from public art expert Sherri Brueggemann who has created and tested a decommission policy for her public art program. Learn how she developed the policy, why it is a decommission policy vs a deaccession policy, hear examples of her process in practice and lessons learned.
After registering, be sure to check out further resources and handouts in the tabs above. You can download a PDF of this presentation and a copy of the Decommission Policy in the "Handouts" tab.
To find more resources on Collection Management, Conversation & Maintenance of Public Art visit the Public Art Resource Center at
Sherri Brueggemann, Manager of the Public Art Urban Enhancement Program for the City of Albuquerque Cultural Services Department.
Sherri Brueggemann is the Public Art Urban Enhancement Division Manager for the City of Albuquerque, Cultural Services Department. She has been managing art programs and public art projects in New Mexico for over 20 years. Sherri holds a Masters from UNM’s School of Public Administration with an emphasis in cultural policy evaluation. Sherri was a founding member of the Americans for the Arts Public Art Network and served on the PAN Council from 2000-2002. She is also a former printmaker, special events coordinator, winery owner, and has been adjunct faculty at the University of New Mexico College of Fine Arts, Arts Management Program. She has served as a board member for numerous arts, cultural and civic non-profit organizations in the Southwest, including the New Mexico Route 66 Association, the New Mexico Winegrowers Association, the Albuquerque Arts Alliance and 516 Arts. She helped spearhead the Albuquerque/ Bernalillo County Arts & Cultural Industries Economic Impact Study, the ABQ Cultural Count Task Force, the New Mexico MainStreet Downtown Arts & Cultural District, and Albuquerque Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Cultural Directors’ Tourism Steering Committees. Sherri has recently been appointed to the New Mexico Hospitality Association’s Space Tourism Committee. In her spare time, she founded and manages the InterGalactic Cultural Relations Institute.
Patrica Walsh, Public Art Programs Manager, Americans for the Arts
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