Member Office Hours 2023
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About Member Office Hours 2023
Office Hours are bi-monthly Zoom calls where members can meet Americans for the Arts staff members and learn about how their work supports that of our members. Each session will feature a brief presentation from the staff member followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions! This is a live event that will not be recorded.
If you would like to register for all Member Office Hours please click the red register button in the top right hand corner, if you would like to register for specific sessions please click to the activity from the content page.
Date | Staff Guest |
Tuesday, January 24 | Jessica Stern, Senior Manager, Local Arts & Business |
Tuesday, March 21 | Jay Dick, Sr. Dir, State & Local Gov't Affairs & Tooshar Swain, Director of Public Policy |
Tuesday, May 3 | Nolen Bivens, CEO |
Tuesday, July 18 | Nora Halpern, VP Leadership Alliances |
Tuesday, Sep 19 | Dr. Genna Styles, AEP6 Director, Community Engagement & Equity |
Tuesday, Nov 21 | Nina Ozlu Tunceli, AFTA Chief Counsel, Gov't and Public Affairs and Executive Director of the Americans for the Arts Action Fund |
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Join us for a brief presentation from Jessica Stern about Americans for the Arts’ work with local arts agencies and business partnerships, followed by a Q&A.
January 2023 Member Office Hour
Jessica Stern
Join us for a brief presentation from Jessica Stern, Senior Manager, Local Arts & Business, about Americans for the Arts’ work with local arts agencies and business partnerships, followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions for an exciting conversation! Learn more about the pARTnership movement HERE!
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Join us for a brief presentation from Jay Dick and Tooshar Swain about federal, state and local advocacy for the arts, followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions for an exciting conversation!
March 2023 Member Office Hours
Jay Dick & Tooshar Swain
Join us for a brief presentation from Jay Dick, Sr. Dir, State & Local Gov't Affairs, and Tooshar Swain, Director of Public Policy, about federal, state and local advocacy for the arts, followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions for an exciting conversation! Learn more about Americans for the Arts’ advocacy efforts HERE!
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Join us for a brief presentation from our CEO, Nolen Bivens, followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions for an exciting conversation!
May 2023 Member Office Hour
Nolen Bivens: Ask Me Anything!
In this hour-long “Ask Me Anything” session, you’ll have the opportunity to pose your questions to Nolen Bivens, our President and CEO at Americans for the Arts. For example, here are some questions Nolen has been asking around AFTA lately:
-How are working artists and arts administrators adapting post-COVID?
-What can members do to support artists in their local communities?
-What is a recent art experience that's moved you recently?
Want to get those questions in ahead of time? Submit your question on this form HERE and we’ll be sure to include it in the session. If we don’t end up getting to your question, we will be sure to reach out after.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, May 22 at 4:30 ET*!
*Note: This is a date change!
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join us for this hour-long conversation with Nora Halpern on how the arts can best be advanced through the work of Americans for the Arts, the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, and our collective work across the country.
July 2023 Member Office Hour
Nora Halpern
We invite all members to join us for this hour-long conversation with Nora Halpern, VP of Leadership Alliances at Americans for the Arts (AFTA) and newly appointed member of the President’s Committee on Arts and the Humanities (PCAH).
After a brief overview of her 22 years at Americans for the Arts, Nora hopes to hear your thoughts on how the arts can best be advanced through the work of Americans for the Arts, the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, and our collective work across the country.
Here are some questions to consider:
- What are pressing arts issues in your community?
- What do you think the Biden Administration should prioritize within the arts and humanities sectors?
- What would change look like?
About Nora
Art historian, museum director, and curator Nora has spent her public and private life advocating for art, artists, and social justice. Since 2001, she has been a Vice President at Americans for the Arts, focusing on arts policy convenings and engaging individual thought leaders to advance the arts and arts education across America. She is co-founder of Street Scenes: Projects for DC, a public art program that provides access to the broadest possible audience within the greater Washington, DC area. Raised in New York City, Nora began her career in Los Angeles as the Frederick R. Weisman Collections Curator and Founding Director of Pepperdine University’s Art Museum. She was a Los Angeles Human Relations Commission member and received the Mayor’s Award of Merit for Outstanding Volunteer Service.
Nora has taught and lectured internationally as well as curated numerous exhibitions, including a Yoko Ono retrospective. Most recently, she was enlisted by the US Department of State’s Art in Embassies program as an independent curator, alongside Camille Benton and Ellen Susman of A More Perfect Union: American Artists and the Currents of Their Time, exhibition on art and democracy opened in June at the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece and is currently on a tour to several international cities Among her publications is the recent Putting the Arts to Work: 15 Years of National Arts Policy Roundtables, 2006-2020. Nora has served on the boards of the Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, the Santa Monica Museum of Art, ArtTable, PS Arts, and Scholastic’s Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, among others. She was appointed to the Arts Commission of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021 and was a Biden Arts Policy Committee member. Nora received her B.A. and M.A. from UCLA and was awarded a Helena Rubinstein Fellowship in Curatorial Studies from the Whitney Museum of American Art’s Independent Study Program.
Learn more about ways to support Americans for the Arts HERE!
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Join us for a brief presentation from Dr. Genna Styles about the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study (AEP6), followed by a Q&A.
September 2023 Member Office Hour
Dr. Genna Styles-Lyas
Join us for a brief presentation from Dr. Genna Styles-Lyas, AEP6 Director, Community Engagement & Equity, about the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study (AEP6), followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions for an exciting conversation! Learn more about AEP6 HERE!
Direct link to register:
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Join us for a brief presentation from Nina Ozlu Tunceli about the Arts Action Fund and federal advocacy, followed by a Q&A.
November 2023 Member Office Hour
Nina Ozlu Tunceli
Join us for a brief presentation from Nina Ozlu Tunceli, AFTA Chief Counsel, Gov't and Public Affairs and Executive Director of the Americans for the Arts Action Fund, about the Arts Action Fund and federal advocacy, followed by a Q&A. Bring your questions for an exciting conversation! Learn more about the Arts Action Fund HERE!