November 2021 Pennsylvania Statewide Training Call

Recorded On: 11/04/2021


November 4, 2021 at 3:00pm ET

Partners and Collaborators: How We Move Towards Community

As we come out the door and look up and down the block, can we see our traditional partners doing the same? A variety of creative collaborators might be around the corner, waiting to take a seat at the table. This session will explore some interpersonal communication concepts and develop some common language. We can think together about how to build an inclusive and adaptive community that takes action, one relationship at a time.

Learning objectives:

  • Discuss transactional communication and listening vs. hearing.
  • Define/compare/contrast: partnership and collaboration.
  • Identify a concept learned and pair it with an action item. 

About the Pennsylvania Statewide Training Calls

These are monthly calls to gather Pennsylvania-based arts and culture organizations. Participants will receive agenda items and topics at least a week in advance of the scheduled call. For questions, please contact Jerelle Jenkins at

Con Christeson

Community Artist

Con is an artist exploring communities. She experiences community by observing pools of knowledge and experience that exist alongside historical rootedness and the complex concept of place. It is a topographical map of wind, weather, and time. It is the science of hard scape. It is multiple layers of memory and story. It is individual and institutional. It can reinforce or bury the human experience. 

Con’s work is at the intersection of space and place, a collaboration between consciousness and creativity. She works locally, nationally, and internationally because those virtual lines drawn by humans on the surface of this planet are not real. And yet, she believes they slow us, confine us, stop us, turn us away from each other. 



November 2021 Pennsylvania Statewide Training Call
Live event: 11/04/2021 at 3:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.
E-Learning Survey
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