Rehearsing for Civic Dialogue

Recorded On: 03/12/2019

image About this Webinar

Civic dialogue is a critical process in a time of widespread conflict and divisiveness. But few of us are taught how to talk about - and hold space for others to talk about - pressing social issues and concerns in our communities, neighborhoods, and nation. In this webinar, we will explore ways that theatre-based approaches may support us in learning and practicing skills, concepts, and attitudes that can prepare us to engage in and facilitate meaningful dialogue in the public sphere.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to…

  • Identify the purposes of civic dialogue and some of the skills, knowledge areas, and attitudes necessary to engage in meaningful and effective civic dialogue.
  • Reflect on the process of skill acquisition and learning methods that help people to integrate and incorporate new skills, attitudes, and behaviors.
  • Analyze 2-3 case studies of theatre-based activities and name tools and approaches that support learning in relation to head (content), heart (emotion/attitude), body (behavior/perception), and environment (context & relationships).
  • Find connections between theatre and drama practices and the practices of civic dialogue.
  • Propose ways that theatre- and drama-based approaches might support civic dialogue in participants’ own work and life contexts.
  • Share resources and ideas for implementing theatre-based approaches to learning the skills, attitudes, and knowledge conducive to civic dialogue.

Jessica A. Levy

Founding Partner, The Blue Door Group

Jessica works in the intersections of education, the arts, and civic engagement. With twenty years in the nonprofit & public sectors, she has designed and implemented civic participation initiatives, arts-based community programs, and a variety of education, service, and advocacy events. Her work has included immigrant rights organizing, community education, and using drama-based approaches to learning and community-building. She is a Founding Partner of The Blue Door Group, a Philadelphia-based consulting firm that designs, facilitates, and teaches interactive processes for learning and for capacity-building.

Jessica holds an M.A. in Applied Theater from CUNY School of Professional Studies and an M.A. in Adult Education & Community Development from the University of Toronto. Her course design and teaching work has included graduate-level courses in teamwork and collaboration with the Industrial Design and Museum Studies programs at the University of the Arts and an English through Drama class with Temple University’s Intensive English Language Program (IELP). She currently teaches adult ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) with District 1199c Training and Upgrading Fund. Jessica is energized by exploring approaches to embodied learning and by making creativity, arts, and design foundational to strengthening institutions, communities, and movements.

The Blue Door Group:

Twitter: @BlueDoorGrp 


Rehearsing for Civic Dialogue Webinar
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