Disability Justice Resources & Mid Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee Process Share
Recorded On: 12/13/2022
About this Webinar
December 9 @ 4 PM ET
Hear from members of the Mid Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee about the Committee's work, including challenges and successes throughout the process. Learn about the accessibility and disability justice resources that will be available to the field this Spring, the curriculum for which was generated in dialogue with the committee, as well as existing accessibility and disability justice learning resources already generated by Americans for the Arts and Mid Atlantic Arts. ASL interpretation and live captioning will be provided. ASL interpretation and live captioning will be provided.
Have questions for the committee? Ask in advance in the discussion tab on this activity. Question will be collected for the live webinar.
Learning Objectives
- Learn about resources – existing and in development – available through ArtsU on accessibility & disability justice
- Hear from the Mid Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee (MAARC), as well as AFTA and Mid Atlantic Arts staff, on the process of participating in the Committee and developing accessibility resources
Access the Mid-Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee landing page here.

Derrick Quevedo (he/him/isu/siya)
Mid Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee Member
Derrick Quevedo (he/him/isu/siya) is an Ilocano and Tagalog Filipino American, Disabled, Mad, and Neurodivergent artist and writer. His work includes observations of identity, community, social justice, and liberation. He is currently settled on Piscataway and Susquehanna lands (so-called Baltimore, MD.)
(Headshot Description: Brown Asian with beard, wearing hat, glasses, plaid shirt, and hooded jacket, is smiling while standing against a colorful brick wall.)

Francisco echo Eraso (he/él)
Mid Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee Member
Francisco echo Eraso (he/él) is a disabled, trans, Colombian-American interdisciplinary craft artist, curator, educator, arts administrator and accessibility consultant. He is interested in grassroots approaches to disability justice, trans liberation, cooperative textiles and the creative redistribution of resources. He holds a dual degree in Critical Visual Studies and Fine Arts from Parsons, the New School. Francisco is a LEAD certified access consultant and has worked with various arts organizations including The Shed, Ford Foundation Gallery, Art and Disability Residency, and Kinetic Light. He has presented on the topics of access and disability artistry at the Ford Foundation, Art in America, Virginia Commonwealth University, Parsons, the New School, University of Illinois, Ford Foundation, Columbia University, amongst others. Francisco currently lives in New York City and works as the Associate Manager of Access and Inclusion at the Whitney Museum of American Art and Curatorial Coordinator at Proclaiming Disability Arts.
(Headshot description: Headshot of Francisco, a white latinx trans man with long dark wavy hair and a short beard. He is standing in front of a white wall, smiling, wearing a black shirt, striped blazer and gold chain.)
Mark Roxey (He/him/El)
Mid Atlantic Accessibility Resource Committee Member
Roxey Ballet
Mark Roxey He/him/El, Founding Director of Roxey Ballet, has created a humanistic organization where accessibility, equity, diversity and inclusion are the core principles. His goal has always been to include people of all abilities with differing viewpoints, experiences, and resources in both the training, exhibition, staffing, artists’ and board of director aspects of the company.
In his youth he began professionally as a b-bop, hip hop dancer in movies, commercials and with a group called Fresh Kids from Coney Island. From there he received a full scholarship from Joffrey Ballet and thus began his career at the Joffrey Ballet Company II under the direction of Gage Bush and Richard England, and The Joffrey Ballet under the direction of the late Robert Joffrey. He later joined American Repertory Ballet and Dayton Ballet as a principal dancer under the direction of Dermote Burke and Marjorie Mussman.
His career enabled him to perform in works by legendarychoreographers: George Balanchine, Gerald Arpino, Robert Joffrey, PaulTaylor, Jose Limon, Alvin Ailey, Twyla Tharp, William Forsythe, JohnCranko, John Butler, Maurice Petipa, and August Bournonville, appearing as aPrincipal Artist in companies around the world with his partner and wife,Melissa Roxey.
Roxey Ballet was founded by exploring the humanities as,initially, Mark used break dance as a means of expression and education againstracism and social inequality, then concert dance to communicate and exploreideas for greater understanding and to create transformational of ways ofthinking about humanities subjects. His quest is to continually look for thehuman element, how to best exchange ideas or make a significant difference inthe community, and articulate our humanity through our art form. For 30 yearsMark Roxey has been transforming communities through interactive programs thatcommunicate human, civil, disability rights, women's health initiatives,bullying and the cultural condition.
Mark has served on the faculty of Princeton Ballet, DaytonBallet, Wright State University, Trotwood Madison City Schools, NortheastYouth Ballet and Raritan Valley Community College. He has also worked asthe dance program coordinator for the Hunterdon County Teen Arts DanceFestival, YMCA and adjudicator for the State Teen Arts Festival.
Mark was voted the Voted # 1 Move & Shaker in HunterdonCounty, New Jersey and is the former President of Dance NJ. He is also anactive member of Dance USA, IPAY, APAP, Arts Presenters, and the national ArtsAccess Task Force. In 2006 Mr. Roxey was honored by VSA New Jersey withthe New Jersey Governor's Award, the highest honor in New Jersey thatrecognizes the outstanding creative achievement of art educators and leaders.
As a person with a disability, Mark (and Melissa) founded anddirected the dance and choreography Arts Access Program at Metheny MedicalCenter in Peapack, New Jersey designing, staffing, and fulfilling a unique artstraining program for persons with severe disabilities, working alongsidedisabled artists creating an avenue for them to actively participate in thecreative process for more than a decade.
With his wife, Melissa, Mark created youth ballet company that becamea world-class professional dance organization with a major east coast impact.He is the proud father of his two beautiful children, Mirabel and BenjaminRoxey.
(Headshot description: headshot of Mark Roxey, a man with darkhair, a mustache and goatee, wearing rectangular glasses in front of a darkgrey background)

Sarah Lewitus (she/hers)
Program Director, Performing Arts & Accessibility Coordinator
Mid Atlantic Arts
Sarah Lewitus (she/her) is a Baltimore-based arts workerinterested in performance, space, and turning imagination into action. As theProgram Director, Performing Arts at Mid Atlantic Arts, Sarah coordinatesregional performing arts touring programs including ArtsCONNECT, Mid AtlanticTours, and Special Presenter Initiatives. Sarah also serves as theAccessibility Coordinator at Mid Atlantic Arts, managing access initiatives forthe organization and the region that aim to move beyond compliance and towardsdisability justice.
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As a one-legged double bassist primarily in jazz but with many influences from flamenco to Puccini, I have never regularly worn a prosthesis so my different appearance is obvious to all in performance, but I have also never positioned myself as a disability advocate. Considering finding a path to inspire others through my appearance of disability. How?