Reevaluating & Redefining Success
Recorded On: 03/23/2021
About the Coffee Chat
Recalibrating for Recovery
Throughout 2020, the pandemic stripped away the cosmetic façades of many frail-to-failing societal systems. From health inequities and education to childcare and economic mobility, the broad spread revelation that this fragility stems from decades of decay has been a hard pill to swallow. But now that these fractures, breaks and even chasms have been fully exposed, arts organizations are uniquely positioned to communicate these disparities while rebuilding your organizations in ways that will change the trajectory of the communities you serve for generations to come.
Join Sheri Chaney Jones, president of Measurement Resources Company and SureImpact, Inc., as she shares how arts organizations will not only recover, but how they will emerge as leaders in vocalizing the need for creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all. In this session, we’ll explore how arts organizations can capitalize on the collective experience of the pandemic to inspire others to achieve real lasting change. We’ll also share six ways to recalibrate for recovery so that you can continue to move your mission forward in 2021.
About the Arts Marketing Coffee Chat Series
Grapeseed Media and the National Arts Marketing Project, a program of Americans for the Arts, are excited to bring you a bi-monthly series of informal discussions about arts marketing. These bi-monthly "Coffee Chats" for Marketing Directors are your opportunity to hear from arts and culture leaders who are marketing the arts in transformative and extraordinary ways to better inform your practice.
Thank you to Grapeseed Media for their support of this series.
Sheri Chaney Jones
President and Founder
Measurement Resources Company
Sheri Chaney Jones has helped hundreds of government agencies, non-profit organizations and social enterprises gather and use data to change actions, outcomes and lives. She is the founder of both Measurement Resources Company, a national organizational development and research firm, and SureImpact, a cloud-based solution that helps social sector organizations and collective impact initiatives measure and communicate their unique social impact. Sheri is also the author of the award-winning book, Impact & Excellence: Data-driven Strategies for Aligning Mission, Culture, and Performance in Nonprofit and Government Organizations, published by Jossey-Bass in 2014. Based in Columbus, Ohio, Sheri regularly keynotes conferences, where she speaks about high-performance measurement cultures, data-driven strategy and decision-making, and using data to attract more funding.